Today we had another free day to explore Lexi's city & continue growing together as a family of five while we awaited our official adoption documents which we received around 5pm this evening. This morning we ventured out a bit & wandered the streets in search of some children's clothing stores that our guide had told us about. After a few detours we did finally find them though they weren't exactly the Gymboree & Baby Gap we were hoping for.....haha. Even so, it was fun to walk among the local peeps & see the kind of places they shop at. We even found a small little toy store where Addison bought a set of pretend dart guns for $3 (I'm sure those of you who know Addie are not surprised at her choice of "toys" wanting to be just like her big bro). We also wandered across a park where some locals were getting their P90x on. Bart has some pretty funny vidoes & pics of that.
Today was also a day of some new insights & information about Lexi. Yesterday we had finally gotten a good look inside her mouth (thanks to Dada making her cackle from his kisses to her neck) & saw that it looked liked her palette was closed which made a lot of sense to why she was able to eat & drink so well. Our guides inquired to the orphanage who confirmed today that Lexi had indeed had a SECOND SURGERY to close her palette. Would have been nice to know that tidbit of info long before now but not really that shocked that we didn't. We are taking that as good news since that means she won't have to endure that surgery soon after arriving home as we had expected. What we pray though is that they did a good job & it won't need any revision or correcting. We will know that soon enough as she has an appt already set up with the Cincinnati craniofacial team end of March.
Some other cool insights. Lexi came to us wearing a red corded bracelet with a jade bead on it & a red corded anklet with a wooden bead on it. None of the other adopted kiddos had them on so we asked our guide today & she told us what they both mean. She said red of course indicates "good luck" but the jade is in a shape that means "to be blessed" or to be sent off with a blessing. The wooden bead on the anklet is in the shape of a carved little boat which she said means peaceful or smooth "sailing" or going. I think it's pretty neat that whoever sent her off from the orphanage tied these on her as if to indicate their hope for her & her new life.
Well I'm the last one of the family still awake. Bart & the kids are going to venture with a few others to the birthplace of Kung Fu tomorrow. It's about a 2 hour drive & they get to see a 30 minute live Kung Fu show. I think the kids will love that. Lexi & I are going to hang back at the hotel. This could make for an "interesting day" seeing as Lexi has become quite attached to her Dada. They always warn you that the child will often take to one parent & a lot of time it's the Dad (no surprise to us as this is exactly what Addison did) and they say it can sometimes be because the child had already become attached to their female nanny (who they often call mama). I just joke to Bart it's because he looks the most like Lexi's favorite nanny who was about 4 ft tall & had her hair pulled back tight so it looked short. In fact, she crys "mama" over & over any time she wants him so I thinks she thinks he IS a woman. In all seriousness, we can only imagine all that Lexi is grieving & going through with so many changes. It's been obvious the last 2 days that she is desperately clinging to Bart for that immediate need to feel safe & secure. I mean who wouldn't prefer a man to make them feel safe & secure. I have to admit it has NOT really been easy for the kids & I and especially Addison wanting her baby sister to love & adore her but we also know it's just a matter of time & this is all the necessary steps to her bonding to her new family. It only took Addison a few weeks & she was so attached to her new Mama that noone else would do, even dada.
Say a prayer for our adventure tomorrow! I guess I will post a few pics from the day & head to bed myself. Love to you all!
Lexi playin' guns with big bro & sis. We start 'em early.
Lexi's jade corded bracelet
Lexi's anklet with the wooden carved boat
Lexi asleep on her first stroller ride. Well she kind of cried herself to sleep. Didn't like not being held by her Dada (or "mama" I should say). I love her hands here!
Having some fun on Lexi's behalf. Maybe this is why she doesn't like me........yet!
Addie aiming for some targets.
Dada's smooches always make her giggle.
I love all the pics and your precious words!!! Praying for smooth safe travels! Much love!!!